Consultant in Pain Medicine
GMC 6134986
The assessment process will cover a number of core areas:
History of pain and its effect on function, well-being and quality of life
Investigation, treatments and interventions already received
Medication history
General medical history
Following this, an individualised plan will be made on how to proceed and may include:
Medication changes
Referral to another specialist
This will be explained during the consultation and will be documented in the medical records and a copy of the clinic letter will be sent to the registered GP and patient.
Dr Montgomery offers a range of interventions from simple injections through to advanced interventions. This is individualised to each patient, based on the nature and cause of their pain, medical co-morbidities and potential risks.
Here is a list of some of the common interventions Dr Montgomery offers:
Medial branch blocks of lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
Radiofrequency denervation of the medial branch of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
Sacroiliac joint injection
Radiofrequency denervation of the sacroiliac joint
Transforaminal epidural or nerve root block
Suprascapular nerve block and radiofrequency
Genicular nerve block and radiofrequency
Obturator/femoral nerve block and radiofrequency
Occipital nerve block
Ultrasound guided nerve blocks of named nerves
Pulsed radiofrequency treatment
Sympathetic nerve block of stellate ganglion or coeliac plexus, lumbar plexus or ganglion impar block.
Dr Montgomery can provide a range of highly specialist neuromodulation interventions including spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation and Reactiv8 multifidus nerve stimulation. Working at the internationally renowned pain management department at The Leeds Teaching Hospitals he has extensive experience in assessing patients, selecting appropriate therapies, implanting these devices and as a result he works as an expert advisor for NICE and MHRA.
Dr Montgomery can review your current medication and give recommendations on alternative medication choices based on the nature and location of pain, other medical conditions and patient choice. He can also look at stopping medication which is ineffective or may have long-term harm, such as opiates and he can give the support and guidance to achieve this.
Dr Montgomery understands that patients aren't always happy with their medical consultations and occasional like to have an expert second opinion. This can be to reassure them and confirm management plans or to open up new treatment opportunities.
Dr Montgomery is happy to offer a second opinion to patients and he will try to remain objective. If you are arranging an appointment as a second opinion please let the team know at the earliest opportunity as it allows time to request relevant investigations and corresponds from your general practitioner and other specialists.
Dr Montgomery provides specialist advice to industry and is keen to help develop and improve new pain management medicines and technologies.